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November 29, 2019
Magniflex: Italian Quality arrives in Poland

Marco Magni and Alessandro Conti, together with the branch managers of Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia and in the presence of all our retailers, officially inaugurated the opening of Magniflex Polska. While contributing to a steady growth of the brand in international markets, the presentation of yet another corporate branch in Eastern Europe sparked stimulating encounters with the local media and informal moments of exchange, in a pleasant atmosphere of experience-sharing. Maintaining a close relationship with all our partners is something Magniflex holds dear, because it has always been the trait that distinguishes and brings together the big family of those who work with the brand, all around the world.


Photos Poland

Rugby 4 Rugby 5 Rugby 6
Rugby 7 Rugby 8 Rugby 8
Rugby 7 Rugby 8 Rugby 8
Rugby 1 Rugby 2

Photos Czech Republik
Rugby 4 Rugby 5 Rugby 6
Rugby 7 Rugby 8

Photos Slovakia
Rugby 4 Rugby 5 Rugby 6
Rugby 7 Rugby 8 Rugby 8
Rugby 7

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