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How to decorate your bedside table
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 A bedside table is extremely practical as it allows you to keep everything you need when you go to bed or get up at hand: alarm clock, glasses, water, a book to read, your phone and charger…
But how can we give it that extra touch to make it look nicer?

How about a small plant?

The beneficial effect of having a plant close to you is quite obvious; in this case, it would also be a valuable decorative element. Succulents are a good choice as they do not need too much attention and there are many different types to choose from. For those who are willing to devote a little extra attention to it, even a pot of flowers can be a good idea to give it that extra touch of color.

Don't forget the light

Another element to take into consideration is the light source. We did not mention the typical bedside lamp in the initial list of items to put on the bedside table for a very simple reason: you can opt for a wall lamp. What are the advantages of this choice? In this case, the surface of the bedside table remains free, allowing you to use it for other useful items or decorative items. There are different types of wall and bedside lamps, from ultra-compact to extra-long. Many offer the advantage of having an adjustable shade of light, so you can set the desired degree of visibility.

The most beautiful moments at hand

Photographs always make a great ornament. It is always nice to have a memento of a loved one or a cherished moment close at hand, all the more so in the bedroom, the most intimate room in the house. As with lamps, photographs can also be hung on the wall: many people now follow the trend of attaching a series of photos to a long string or cord and fixing this decoration above the headboard, perhaps by attaching a string of lights to it.

For those with more traditional tastes, on the other hand, the typical photo frame is equally attractive and will help us fall asleep reliving our favorite memories, simply by turning to the bedside table. And if you like to fall asleep or wake up with such happy moments, it is an even greater pleasure on a Magniflex mattress!

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